Christianity and Spirituality
Christianity is divided into three major groups. These are Catholic, conservative Protestant, and liberal Protestant. The manner in which each group embraces spirituality is significantly different.
Catholic Spirituality
From the Catholic Spirituality Encyclopedia, we learn the following:
"The Spiritual life for Roman Catholics. Once a Catholic has accepted the faith (fides quae creditur) by making a personal act of faith (fides qua creditur), then one lives out faith throughout spirituality. Although all Catholics are expected to pray together at Mass, there are many different forms of spirituality and private prayer which have developed over the centuries. Each of the major religious orders of the Catholic Church has its own unique spirituality - its own way of approaching God in prayer and in living out the Gospel." >>More |
Conservative Protestant Spirituality
Conservative Protestant Christians are also called traditionalist, orthodox, fundamentalist, or evangelical. From Beliefnet.com which has surveyed thousands of Christians, we learn the following:
"Conservative Protestants are Bible-centered, viewing the Holy Bible as the final and only authority, the inerrant Word of God, interpreted literally as law." |
This group believes that spirituality is synonymous with Christianity and that one must be "saved" or "born again" to belong. There is a strong belief in the work and influence of evil in the form of Satan, and that Satan (or the Devil) causes suffering, especially among those who are unsaved. More
Liberal Protestant Spirituality
Liberal Protestant Christians are also called secular or humanistic. From Beliefnet.com, we learn the following:
"Liberal Protestants hat view the Bible as the witness of God rather than the word of God, to be interpreted in its historical context through critical analysis" |
Liberal Protestants generally believe that spirituality may be developed through study and prayer and that there is no spiritual reason for suffering. >>More
Christian Spirituality and the Elderly
Christians are strong givers of money, time and loving care to those in need including the elderly. Some of the earliest nursing homes were affiliated with Christian churches and made possible by the gifts and bequests of Christian church members.