Helping Parents Move

Seniors Move for Lots of Reasons
Gretchen Heuring | ElderThink | 03.01.10
There are many reasons why Seniors move to a new location. The may wish for a smaller home, or one that doesn't have stairs. The may want to be in a different climate where it's not so cold in the winter or so hot in the summer.
Seniors move to be closer to loved ones, or because the cost of living is better in another place. They move because they want to be in a Senior community or they want better or closer medical care.
But move they do, and those moves are usually a result of lifestyle changes such as retirement.
Sometimes Children Have to Make Decisions For Parents
It's hard on everyone when children discover that their parents need to move to a new place. There's help and advice, though. >>More
Most Often Seniors Handle Moves Themselves
Choosing where to live after retirement and making the move can be surprising difficult and stressful. Often a lifetime of memories has to be packed up and taken to a new location along with the people who have them. >> More
Moving Parents Into Your Home
Family Education Network
If you're thinking about moving an aging parent into your home, there are some things you'll need to consider. Keep in mind that, unless you live alone, your decision will affect your entire family. It's not one to be made lightly. For example, consider the following.
Relocating Your Parents
Family Caregiver Alliance
The need to relocate your parent to a safer environment may become apparent. But where should he or she live? Often your first inclination is to move Mom or Dad into your home—but this major life change deserves thoughtful examination, and there are many alternatives to explore. This Fact Sheet offers helpful advice and summarizes the issues to consider before making the important and challenging decisions regarding relocating your parent. >>More
Assisted Living vs Independent Living
There are a variety of choices besides moving your parents in with you. Slow down a little, because you will be entering a world with its own language. Here's a quick overview:
Independent Living describes a special community of older adults that might remind you of your college days. They come and go as they please and have their own furnishings, but have centralized meals delivered to them or in a community setting, transportation, social functions, cleaning services and laundry.
Assisted Living is just above a nursing home. Elders in assisted living usually require medical care, bathing and hygiene. Still, they are not bedridden and do not require full-time nursing or medical support. >> More
The Nationwide Movement Is To Keep Seniors in Their Own Homes As Long As Possible
For some, a nursing home is the only alternative. Huge changes have been made in the way nursing homes are arranged and managed. There's a lot of help when it comes time to decide too. >> More