A Clean Home Feels Right
It feels good to visit a clean home and it also feels good to live in one. When your home is allowed to get dirty and messy, it seems impossible to get it clean. Below are some tips on how to conquer a really messy environment.
Even the animals keep their dens and nests clean and free of debris. It's important to keep our homes clean for sanitary reasons, so our guests will feel comfortable, and for our own sense of peacefulness. Also, a clean orderly home makes it easier to find things!
If Your Home Is Really Messy
If you have been sad, depressed, sick or super busy, and your home is really messy, there are three things to do in the beginning.
First, stop making more mess! Put away your clothes when you take them off. Hang up your coat and put your hat in its place. Put groceries away when you bring them in. If you use something, put it away when you are finished. You will still have a mess, but you will be in control because you are not allowing the mess to get worse.
Next, tackle the clutter. Pick up one thing and put it completely away. Don't take it into the room where it belongs and put it down. Put it in it's place in that room. If it belongs in a drawer, and the drawer is messy, put it in there anyway. It's not time to clean the drawer yet. At least you will be able to find your item again later. Whenever you pick something up, or use it, always put it completely away.
Now you are doing two things. You have stopped the growth of your mess, you are not adding to it. And you are slowly putting things completely away. You need to add one more thing.
Sanitize. Thoroughly and completely clean one thing. Your stove top, a shower, a sink; choose one thing and make it sparkle.
If you work at these three things a little at a time, you will finally have a clean home. Stop making more mess, tackle the clutter, and sanitize.